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Types of Dengue

Dengue fever is a fever that can not be seen without the symptoms of dengue fever. Dengue fever can begin with a mild fever in the situation, but after that it will result in the deadly status of the victim. The symptoms usually last a week, but in some cases they begin to reappear two or three days. There are many types of dengue that affect life and can lead to conditions that threaten life. They are as follows:
Dengue fever

The symptoms of dengue are less common in small children, and in adults and in adult children these symptoms occur. They are as follows:

The fever appears suddenly and is maintained for 3-7 days of the period.
Strong headache especially in the back of the head.
Pain in the muscles and joints of a victim, especially in the ankle and elbow.
The taste of the mouth has changed.
They can be exposed to vomiting, stomach pain and loss of appetite.
Eruptions, itchy skin, legs etc.
There is a small bleeding in the body part, such as nose, gum, etc., which is accompanied by ample menstrual periods.
The skin on the neck and face begins to blush.
The person feels tired.
Hemorrhagic Dengue (DHF)

Dengue hemorrhagic fever is one of the most complicated diseases that can be fatal. Dengue hemorrhagic fever is a fever that occurs only when the person has dengue fever more than once. DH is very similar to the symptoms of Dengue fever. Dengue hemorrhagic fever is a very critical fever compared to dengue fever. The symptoms of DHF are:

After fever, the symptoms occur for two to five days, but the symptoms begin to diminish as the fever begins to fall.
The health of the patient decreases after a few days, and there is a slight bleeding of the nose, the gums, the skin, etc., whereby the bruises are violet.
In some cases, it is found that, after the fever has disappeared, there is a disorder of the circulatory system, which is transformed into a shock and causes the patient's death within 12 to 24 hours.
With proper medical treatment, patients recover from the disease.

Dengue shock syndrome

If the person knows the signs and symptoms of Dengue, the patient can survive through the appropriate medical treatment. DSS is one of the most severe Dengue situations that can cause the patient to be admitted to the hospital if the following symptoms occur. They are as follows:

Pain in the abdomen of the body
Vomiting with low blood flow
The star of body temperature fluctuates
The blood pressure of the body becomes weak
Irritation in nature
If any of these symptoms occur, a medical treatment can be obtained as soon as possible since DSS is the fever which can lead to death within 24 hours.


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