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1. Define virus.
Ans: virus are unicellular ultramicroscopic particles contain either DNA &RNA that reproduce inside the living cell by replication is called virus.
General character:
1. Do not process cellular organization.
2. contain one type of nucleic acid either DNA or RNA but never both.
3. Can not grow in culture media.
4. Multiply by replication in to the living cell.
5. Generally resistant to antimicrobial antibiotics.
6. Sensitive to interferon.
Morphology of Virus:
1. Size: Viruses are very small in size.(20nm-300nm)
2. Shape: Viruses are are various types of shape –
• Bullet
• Brick
• Sperm
• Spherical
Structure of virus:
The hole virus particle is called virion.
1. Nucleic acid: A central core of nucleic acid(DNA or RNA) is called nucleic acid.
2. Capsid: A central core of nucleic acid surrounded by a protin coat is called capsid.
3. Capsomere: The capsid is composed of subunits is called capsomer.
4. Envlop:Viron may be enveloped or non coat of lipoprotein around the capsid is called envlop.
Classification of virus: Viruses are classified into many ways:-
1. On the basis of types of nucleic acid
2. On the basis of strand redness
3. On the basis of presence of envelop
4. On the basis of ether sensitivity
On the basis of types of nucleic acid:
On the basis of types of nucleic acid viruses are divided in to two groups:-
• DNA virus:-The viruses those contain DNA in their central core of nucleic acid is called DNA virus .Example:-
1. Pox virus
2. Herpes virus
3. Adeno virus
4. Papova virus
5. Parvo virus
• RNA virus:- The viruses those contain RNA in their central core of nucleic acid is called RNA virus .Example:-
1. Myxo virus
2. Rhabdo virus
3. Toga virus
4. Corona virus
5. Picorna virus
6. Reo virus

On the basis of strand redness:
Those viruses are divided in to two groups:-
1. Single stranded virus:- The viruses those contain single stand nucleic acid are called single stranded virus. Example:-
• Mixo virus
• Rhabdo virus
• Toga virus
• Picorna virus
• Parvo virus
2. Double stranded virus:- Single stranded virus:- The viruses those contain double stand nucleic acid are called double stranded virus. Example:-
• Pox virus
• Herpes virus
• Adeno virus
• Reo virus
• Papova virus
On the basis of envelop of presence:-
On the basis of presence of envelop viruses are divided in to two group.
1. Enveloped virus: The virus those have envelop are called enveloped virus. Example:-
• Pox virus
• Herpes virus
• Myxo virus
• Rhabdo virus
• Toga virus
2. Non enveloped virus: They have no envelope is called non enveloped virus. Example:
• Adeno virus
• Papova virus
• Parvo virus
• Reo virus
• Picorna virus
On the basis of ether sensitivity:
On the basis of ether sensitivity viruses are divided in to two groups:-
1. Ether sensitivity virus: The viruses those are sensitivity to ether is called ether sensitivity virus. Example:
• Herpes virus
• Myxo virus
• Herpes virus
• Myxo virus
• Chrona virus
• Rhabdo virus
• Toga virus
• Corona virus


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